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Dark Kiss (The Two sides of me Book 1)

  All rights reserved. © 2014 Amy Lynn Garcia No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in anything, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from Amy Lynn Garcia or her legal representative.

  Authors Note:

  This series contains adult content not meant for anyone under the age of 18. Those under the age of 18 are discouraged from reading this material.

  Formatted by: Brenda Wright


  I want to thank my children who have graciously given up time with their mommy so that she can fulfill her dream of completing this novel. I would also like to thank my friends and family who have supported me through this long grueling process, listening to me obsess about Dark Kiss until they probably wanted to strangle me! I would also like to thank my beta readers Becky Alexander, Brynn Richardson, Andrea

  Loukota, Carrie Ortega, Kisha Grant, Jacki Aranow, Brittany Weg, Margaux Beckett and Jennifer Humphrey I know you tried, sorry you could only see me as the main character and had to stop before any sex scenes!

  And finally Jacque Perkins, without your encouragement I would never have dared to write an erotic romance novel, thank you for always being my cohort in reading mom smut!

  A quick shout out to my Passionate Page Turners book club members, I love you all and guess what? Dark Kiss is this month’s book of the month to read!!

  This Book is Dedicated to my Mother

  Jeanne Ann Waldron

  June 26, 1946 - July 19, 1981

  She was a vehicle of her own life, her path was her own and sometimes in the inner stillness her

  footsteps mingled with ours.

  I miss you every day and I will love you forever.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 “You Found Me.” by Kelly Clarkson

  Chapter 2 “Can’t Get You Out of My Head.” by Kylie Minugue

  Chapter 3 “A Lonely Man.” by Daniel James

  Chapter 4 “Look After You.” by The Fray

  Chapter 5 “Brain Stew.” by Green Day

  Chapter 6”I Dare You to Move.” by Switchfoot

  Chapter 7 “Wake Up Dead Man.” by U2 “Crazy love.” by Van Morrison

  Chapter 8 “From This Moment.” by Shania Twain

  Chapter 9 “Just Another Day.” by John Secada

  Chapter 10 “Not Alone.” by Red

  Chapter 11 “Madness.” by Muse

  Chapter 12 “Hips Don’t Lie.” by Shakira

  Chapter 13 “Purple Haze.” by Jimmy Hendrieks

  Chapter 14 “Diary.” by Alicia Keys

  Chapter 15 “No Ordinary Love.” by Sade

  Chapter 16 “Demons.” by Imagine Dragons

  Chapter 17 “Goya’s Nightmare.” by Jocelyn Pook

  Chapter 18 “I Always Get What I Want.” by Avril Lavigne

  Chapter 19 “Your Love is King.” by Sade

  Chapter 20 “High and Dry.” by Radiohead

  Chapter 21 “Radioactive.” Imagine Dragon

  Chapter 22 “Urgent.” by Foreigner

  Chapter 23 “Dominus Illuminatio Mea.” by Catholic Gregorian Chant Songs

  Chapter 24 “Yellow Light.” by Of monsters and men “Stay.” by Rihanna

  Chapter 25 “Say.” by John Mayer

  Chapter 26 “Fix You.” by Coldplay

  Chapter 27 “Love Story.” by Maria Carey “Can’t Buy Me Love.” by The Beatles

  Chapter 28 “Rolling in the Deep.” by Adele “A Case of You.” by James Wolpert

  Chapter 29 “I Put a Spell on You.” Jacque Lee “Home.” by Phillip Phillips

  Chapter 30 “Nobody Does it Like You.” by Selena Gomez “Don’t You Worry Child.” by Swedish Mafia

  Chapter 31 “Make You Feel my Love.” by Adele

  Chapter 32 “Starting to Turn Away.” by Andrew Paul Woodworth

  Chapter 33 “Wash it All Away.” by Evanescence “Fear.” by Sara McLaughlin “Run.” by Adam Lambert

  Chapter 34 “Come Home.” by One Republic “Won’t Go Home Without You.” by Maroon five

  Chapter 35 Part 1 “No Air.” by Jordan Sparks “Every Breath You Take.” by The Police

  Chapter 35 Part 2 “Need You Now.” by Lady Antebellum “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” by Bonnie Tyler

  Chapter 36 “Nothing Compares 2 U.” by Sinade O’Conner “We Belong Together.” by Mariah Carey

  Chapter 1

  “You Found Me.” by Kelly Clarkson

  Going up the elevator to work I yawn, working four twelve-hour night shifts in row was finally getting to me. I stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall to the ICU.

  “Hey Mia!” Callie, one of my closest co-workers greeted me. “I’ve got something special for you tonight!”

  She sounded really excited. Uh oh, that’s never good, I thought.

  “So what’s up, a new patient?”

  “Yep and you’re gonna love him,” Great, a ‘him’. Callie’s always trying to hook me up but with a patient, that’s going a bit far, even for her. Callie doesn’t know about my past; she has good intentions but I have a very good reason for not dating…I just don’t want to talk about it with her.

  “So…is he a loon or combative?” I ask, actually hoping it’s one of the two. “Let me have it, what do I have to look forward to for the next twelve hours?”

  “The guy in bed 8 was in a car accident this morning, the passenger was DOA and this guy is in pretty bad shape, fractured leg and a head injury with swelling of the brain…. hasn’t regained consciousness”

  “Yea so, sounds like a typical patient here.”

  “Oh there’s nothing typical about him; you’ll see when you go in the room, his family hasn’t been here yet, he just has a sister, she lives out of state, we called so she’s on her way.”

  “So are we talking hunchback of Notre Dame or what, Callie? I’m not following why this guy’s such a big deal.”

  “I’m not saying another word but I’ll stay until shift change and you’ve gotten the report on him and done your assessment,” she sings ‘assessment’ like some goofy kid.


  Working in a smaller private hospital in Seattle has its advantages; all the rooms are private, excellent staffing, a lot of elite patients who are wealthy and famous and top-of-the-line equipment. Not to mention that it didn’t look much like a hospital in the common areas, with water fountains and beautiful artwork on the walls. I’ve cared for famous athletes, movie stars and business moguls so I’m a little curious about this patient, what could possibly be such a big deal? I take the report from Anna who worked the day shift; it seems like typical injuries from an MVA, and I’m wondering all the while why Callie is so worked up.

  With a little anticipation I walk through the door to room 8; it’s a large, spacious room, the bed located in the center of the room surrounded by equipment, IV poles and monitors that read all the patients’ vital signs and heart rhythm. Behind it all are floor-to-ceiling glass windows looking out on one of the many thick forests of Seattle, Washington; it’s a breathtaking view, even if most of the patients here never get to see it. The man in bed 8 is in traction due to his badly broken leg from the knee down, naturally as a nurse, used to doing a head to toe assessment I start with his face and inhale sharply, my mouth going dry, and the room suddenly seems too small; an actual physical sensation of pulling between him and I occurs. This is a beautiful man; he looks like a Greek God from the movies. Unreal, but the reaction I have to him is like nothing I’ve ever felt, especially with a man, it’s magnetic, like he’s drawing me toward him even in his unconscious condition. I’m compelled to move to his side.

  Abrasions cover his fa
ce, as well as a softball-sized knot on his forehead; it’s obvious he’s athletic, strong, and gorgeous. I move closer with no hesitation, I am a very confident nurse and not afraid of anything, I’m never put off by patients personality but something about this man emanates power even seriously injured and in and unconscious state.

  He has a square, powerful jaw covered in a five o’clock shadow, thick dark brown hair that looks to be wavy when it isn’t full of blood and glass shards; it’s not cut short but not too long either and his skin is bronze, of Latin descent I think. But the most noticeable part of Evan Lawson is his size; he’s easily 6 feet 5 inches tall and solid, lean muscle, this man has to work out hard and often and takes care of himself well.

  Getting myself together, I wonder why the hell am I suddenly feeling so much apprehension; I move closer to assess his injuries as I would with any patient. Pressing the blood pressure button, the sound of it inflating and the beeps of the IV are the only sounds in the quiet room and when it releases his arm I hear his soft, regular breathing as well. I move the sheet to his waist carefully and listen with my stethoscope to his chest; this brings me face-to-face with Mr. Evan Nathaniel Lawson, who is managing to be intimidating even with his eyes closed. Lung sounds clear which is good, looking over his upper body feels like ogling instead of assessing; he’s covered with air bag abrasions and cuts, he smells of river or lake water.

  Ok, so get it together Mia, you’ve been a nurse for 10 years, seen it all. Why was this guy making me feel so…I don’t know…. weird? I look him over once completely, check his leg and the traction; everything is in order and technically I’m finished but I can’t manage to pull myself away from him, I’m stuck, cemented at his side, unable to move.

  I suddenly surprise myself by leaning down and whispering in his ear, “You’re going to be ok, I’ve got you. I’m Mia and I promise to take very good care of you until you wake up.” Nothing… I don’t know what I expected; he’s not sleeping beauty, waking from a coma at the sound of my voice. I have never spoken to a patient this way when I don’t expect them to respond. Then, without thinking I take his big, obviously well-manicured hand in mine and cover it with my other hand, this is so out of character for me. I’m a compassionate nurse but I know my boundaries and this is the first time I’ve felt compelled to touch a patient other than clinically.

  I stand there for several minutes until Callie comes to the door and I quickly drop his hand as if it was hot, and I blush…

  “HA, I knew you would think he was hot!” Callie exclaims, eyes bright and playful.

  “Callie, shhhh, he might be able to hear you!” I move toward the door and nudge her out, following quietly.

  “Can you believe that guy’s body, he has muscles that never quit, did ya look under the covers?!” Callie’s practically jumping up and down, stirring something protective in me.

  “Don’t talk like he’s a piece of meat Callie, the poor guy’s been through hell,” I chastise her.

  “Oh come on Mia, you know it’s nice to have some eye candy to look at while you work! Shit, it’s one of the benefits of working in this hospital, hot, famous and rich people to look at and gossip about!”

  “Yea but he’s…. I dunno…”

  “Gorgeous, panties melting hot…. yea, duh that’s why I gave him to you, I gotta go, enjoy!”

  “Later Callie, see you in the morning.”

  “Okidoki.” Callie trots off toward the elevators. Evan is due for some medication; I get it out of a locked drawer and go back into his room. That same magnetic pull and tingle came over me again, this guy seemed to be seriously rattling me; I have never had feelings for a man, any man other than my father. My entire adult life has been dedicated to running in the opposite direction, avoiding men and relationships like the plague.

  Being kidnapped, attacked and raped to near death for 3 days at age 19 has done this to me. I have a dirty, dark past that I work hard every day trying to overcome. After pushing Evan’s meds into his IV, I gaze at his face, lost in thought and I have no idea how long I stand there. I’m startled when Shae pokes her head into the door.

  “Sorry Mia, I need some help in room 7, you have time?”

  “Sure, sure, I’ll be right there.” I leave the Evan’s door open, just in case he wakes up while I’m helping Shae. The rest of my shift is uneventful; Evan lies still and beautiful in a dim overhead light, screens from medical equipment glowing and casting shadows over his body. I sit outside his room watching through the window that separates his room from my charting station, captivated by this insanely handsome man. I don’t want to leave in the morning when my shift is over, after working four nights in a row I’m usually running out the door to get home and catch up on sleep, but today leaving Evan somehow feels wrong, distressing and even painful. I give my report to the day nurse and go back to his room, again I find myself whispering into his ear, “I’m leaving to go home and sleep now, rest easy, I’ll be back for you, try to wake up while I’m gone so I can see those eyes open.”

  I squeeze his hand and leave the room. I can’t believe I’m doing this… he’s a perfect stranger, with an emphasis on perfect. But for some reason I feel deeply connected and drawn to him. Walking to the parking lot I’m feeling the exhaustion of working but the further I travel away from the hospital the more anxiety I feel about leaving Evan alone. What the hell?

  Knock it off Mia; get a grip, he’s a patient just like all the patients you care for. Just go home and get some sleep, you must be working too hard. I think. You’re losing your damn mind!

  Chapter 2

  “Can’t Get You Out of My Head.” by Kylie Minogue

  Sleep… something that’s so easy for most people eludes me every time I slipped between the sheets. Even though I’m exhausted I have to medicate myself heavily to sleep without the night terrors that accompany it. My past haunts me when I close my eyes; during the day I’m able to press the attack down deep, far from the surface, but being vulnerable during sleep enables the horrific experience to return and torture me all over again. My recovery has taken a long time, and I still attend a support group for victims of violent crimes and take medication to sleep but I make it through each day, and that’s about it.

  I have friends and family but the absence of a partner, a man, boyfriend, husband or whatever in my life is routinely brought to my attention by those who don’t know my secret. I try to convince myself that being an aunt to my sister’s children will fulfill my maternal needs, and that living my life as a single woman isn’t all that bad.

  My fear of men has crippled me; I’ll never have a relationship with a man. I have an awesome career though, I’m financially stable and I remind myself how lucky I am every day. I pull on a tank top and shorts, take my pills and snuggle up with my pillows, the only things I’ve slept with for ten long years, I drift off into a dreamless, blissful state and my last thoughts are of Evan. If I could dream. I know it would be of him.

  I’m off for three nights after my four-night stretch, and Evan is never far from my mind. This obsession or whatever it is, is driving me nuts. ‘Thanks a lot Callie!’ I keep wondering what this bizarre connection is all about. I fill my time with my normal activities, workouts at the gym, visiting my sister and playing with her kids, Kylie and Tanner, whom I adore. Being with them is as close as I’ll ever come to having children. After my attack I was encouraged by my shrink to pick up a hobby, and I have no idea how I came up with glass blowing but I did. I spend a lot of my time at the Seattle glassblowing studio; it relaxes me and brings out my creative side. While trudging through my days I sometimes have this nagging feeling that I should be somewhere else. It tugs at the back of my mind constantly. It’s all I can do to restrain myself from making up an excuse to drop by work, I do check in with a few co-workers to see if Evan has regained consciousness but that’s a negative, he’s still out. His sister has apparently arrived and is sitting with him every day. Somehow I get through those three days off and while dri
ving to work for my next shift I have an urgent feeling, I have to just get there. Walking back into the ICU I go straight to the charting station connected to Evans room, he lies still in the middle of the big room, a beautiful woman at his bedside. She holds one of his big hands in hers and reads from an iPad with the other. Dressed in expensive-looking jeans and a soft, cream-colored sweater, she seems to have a glow that surrounds her; angelic. Long black hair hangs in a low ponytail down to her waist, and it’s obvious that she’s related to him; she has the same beautiful bronze skin and long legs crossed with one foot swinging slowly back and forth as she sits dutifully at her brother’s side. At least I’m assuming it was his sister; I haven’t been here for three nights and she could be his wife or girlfriend, but no… they look too much alike, and what is it to me who she is anyway?

  Disgusted with myself, I go to the locker room and put my purse away, clock in and find the day nurse that had been caring for him. She quickly gives me the report; his condition hadn’t changed much, some of the swelling had gone down in his brain, he’s still in traction, and still hopelessly gorgeous.

  Going to the room to look him over and get his vitals, I greet the woman at his side.

  “Hello, I’m Mia, I’ll be taking care of... your brother is it?” Sitting up straighter in the chair and uncrossing her legs, she puts her iPad down on Evan’s bed and extends her hand.

  “Yes, yes, I’m Gabriella, nice to meet you.” I shake her hand, feeling a little awkward; I don’t usually shake hands with family members. I suddenly realize just how much she looks like Evan, like exactly like him.

  “Nice to meet you Gabriella, how’s he doing today?”

  “The same I suppose, he’s so still; I’ve never seen him like this….it’s strange. Evan is perpetual motion, always has been; we’re twins, we haven’t been close the past few years though,” she says this with a sadness that makes me feel her pain, after being with him just one shift I can’t imagine life without Evan.